Wednesday, June 30, 2010


I'm in such a funk today. It's my only day off and I'm milking it for sure. It's the middle of the afternoon and I have yet to shower or even get out of my nightgown. All I can think about is what is wrong with my life at the moment. It's pathetic. I've been applying to odd jobs all morning. We really need a better income. I literally hate that I'm applying for retail jobs again, but you gotta do what you gotta do I guess. I've even been looking at jobs in the Air Force. I don't know if I'm cut out for the military, but at least it'd be a better income and I'd mostly have a decent schedule. I just don't know what to do. Having a Wednesday as my only day off and working afternoons leaves VERY little time for the hubby. We're really wanting to start a family and how will that work? If we can barely have time for us, how are we going to have time together as a family? I'm just feeling a little lost and making myself more and more miserable as each minute passes.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Vacation Pictures :)

We were so excited to finally get on the road!

My handsome hubby!

I could totally be a beach bum for the rest of my life.

We really did have a blast. :) I miss it already

This is my desktop background now. It's so peaceful.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

We're back!

Praise the Lord! We made it to Florida and back in one piece! I've never felt more rested and loved and happy. We reeeeeeally needed to have time away and time together! I tried my darnedest to make hubby fall in love with Florida like I love Florida, but I don't know how well it worked. I love Florida so much I wish I could bottle the air and make it into a Febreeze smell or something along those lines. It could be 110 degrees and as long as I'm in a bathing suit with my butt in the sand I'd be happy as a clam. :) Once I figure out how to post pictures in a post, I'll put some up :)

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Against all odds

Goodness gracious we need this vacation. It seems like the more I want it, the less likely it is going to happen. Yesterday hubby was almost told that he couldn't go on leave because they "didn't realize how many people had put in leave for that week" and they've now left themselves with about four people on the team to be there. A LOT has happened, other than that, that has seemingly put our vacation in jeopardy, but we've gotten past it all.

Today we went to go grab some lunch and a snowcone before I needed to go to work. Well, on the way back home my explorer started driving weird and I thought I had a flat. So, we pulled over to see what was the matter and turns out the wheel bearing (however you spell it) on one of my tires has worn down so badly hubby was afraid to even drive it home. Well, we got home and he started doing his mechanic thing and looking to see what needed to be done. We literally have nearly no money to spare until he gets paid on Tuesday and I get paid on Friday and there is NO way his truck could ever make it to Florida and back without some major issues. Thankfully his supervisor is also a good friend and he says that between the two of them they can get it fixed this afternoon. I'm praying so stinking hard. Harder than I have in a long time. I'm praying it's a cheap fix and that they can actually fix it with what tools they have. I'm praying we can still hit the road tomorrow and have a fabulous vacation because we NEED this time together. If we can't go, I know we'll still have fun together and make the best of it, but I'd MUCH rather be sitting on the beach with a beer in hand. Oh please Lord! PLEASE help them fix it.

Friday, June 11, 2010

Finally Summertime

Well, once again, a lot has happened since I last posted. And once again I'm blogging while my mind is eight steps ahead of me, so please bare with me through this one.

First off, I was offered a job at a different station and I ended up turning it down. It was the same schedule and only slightly more money so I didn't see the point in giving up the good standing I have where I am right now and the little bit of seniority I've gained for just a bit more money. It was a scary decision to make, but I really feel good about it now. I still feel like my career has room for improvement, but I'm completely lost as to what to do. I'm still working the exact opposite schedule from my hubby and that makes me miserable. We've considered asking his superiors to let him be on the swing shift, which would put him and I on the exact same schedule. That would be amazing, but I can't help but ask what would happen if we had a baby? Who would possibly want to keep our kid on our schedule? 3-11? No daycare would work and could we afford a nanny? How on earth would we find one that wouldn't turn out to be a psycho?

Second, WE'RE GOING ON VACATION!!!! We didn't get to have a honeymoon so this is our very first vacation together. I'm going crazy trying to make sure everything is perfect. We're driving down to Florida and are going to plant our butts on the beach and not move for a week. :) I'm so excited I can hardly stand it!

Anyway, as far as everything else goes, it's the same I guess you could say. The hubby is still doing well. His physical therapy for his knee is going ok I suppose, but he still has to go see an orthopedic surgeon after we get back from vaca. We have all kinds of plans for the rest of the summer, decided to quit trying to NOT have a baby, so we'll see how that goes, and are super excited about the possibility to visit with our family more. Hubby's younger brother is going to be spending the better part of July with us, his whole family is going to visit at least once, and my sister will probably be taking her RN tests up here once her paperwork goes through. Lots and lots on our plate and I'm excited about every last second!