Saturday, September 4, 2010

My Daddy

Throughout the years my family has had it's fair share of ups and downs. To be perfectly honest, we've had more downs recently than ups, but I'm not going to keep count. :) Through it all, my dad has been someone I could count on. We always had an extraordinary relationship thoughout my childhood and that has continued into my adulthood. We're very much alike and always enjoy spending time together. As soon as I got my acceptance letter from Baylor my dad owned just about every piece of Baylor gear possible and hasn't stopped since. He's always been my biggest fan. He even has a bumper sticker on his car that says "My son in law proudly serves in the Air Force". I mean, how cool is he? I'm SUCH a daddy's girl.

Anywho, Dad decided he wanted to see me and drove up here (4 hours) Thursday night after he got off work. When I got off work and walked out to my car there he was! I felt like a 5 year old running across the parking lot to hug him! We stayed up until about 2 am talking and catching up until our eyes couldn't stay open any longer. We spent some time together Friday morning with the hubs and just had fun for a few hours. I was so sad to see him go, but it was such a treat to see him for a bit. I'm lucky to have a dad that would drive 8 hours to see me in shorter than 24 hours and not complain for an instant. :) Love my Daddy Boy!

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