Sunday, January 23, 2011

Sunday Funnies

Short and to the point. I love laughing. I love to share jokes or something funny. If you need a pick me up, I assure you these links will at LEAST cause you to chuckle slightly :) Enjoy.

I LOVE unnessecary censorship. Love it.
Unneccessary Censorship

And, just to stay with the Jimmy Kimmel theme.. I find this funy. Being that I work for an ABC station and have of watching Oprah almost every single day.. I can totally relate to this clip.
Almighty Oprah

Happy Sunday!

Out of the loop

Wow. It's been forever since I've blogged. There really is no excuse other than I've had other priorities as of late and couldn't wrap my brain around handling any more than I already am. So pardon me for this potentially painfully long post as I attempt to catch up.

Thanksgiving was insane. I felt so lucky to have lots of family and friends at our house for the holiday. My dad, grandmother, mother and father in law, three brothers and sister in laws, grandmother in law all stayed at our house for several days to celebrate the holiday. On Thanksgiving day the men worked on frying the turkeys, while my mother in law and I went to work in the kitchen. Luckily we had done a pretty good job of planning ahead and making things in advance so the kitchen wasn't nearly as hectic as it could have been. For whatever reason I was an idiot and didn't take a single picture, so unfortunately I have nothing to remember the 14 people in our house making the day all sorts of fun. Of course, I had to work that afternoon but luckily I swendled my dad into going with me and that made it infinitely more fun to show him what I do every day.

Shortly after Thanksgiving I found out that I was pregnant. At first the hubs and I were fairly shocked. I was quite late on my period and had gone to the doctor to hash out the reason. I was convinced that I had PCOS or something, but ended up having a positive pregnancy test. For a few days we just sat around thinking "what are we going to do", but slowly but surely we began to get excited and conjured a cute way to tell our families the good news on our trip back to Texas for Christmas. At this time my sister had announced that she was pregnant and just a few days after I found out I was preggo, my sister in law called to tell us she was pregnant. It was just crazy to wrap my head around the fact that there would be three new family members to welcome all in a matter of no more than 2 months apart.

Unfortunately, it has been proven to me once again that as soon as I allow myself to get excited about something, the rug is pulled out from under me. When I was about 8 weeks along, I woke up one morning to severe bleeding and ended up spending the entire day in the emergency room to be belittled by nurses, forgotten by doctors, and ultimately told that no one knew anything. One nurse had the gall to look me in the face and say (literally) "Well, you know, if you are having a miscarriage, there's nothing we can do to stop it". Umm, yes... I'm well aware of that fact. I could have hit her. Just because I'm younger doesn't mean I'm stupid thank you very much. I woke up the next morning to unbearable pain and knew without a shadow of a doubt that I had miscarried. No matter how hard I try, I can't shake that image. I don't want to be gross, but I honestly wish that I could just delete that image out of my mind so that it won't creep up on me and take me by surprise anymore. Nothing was more painful that having to call family members to not only tell them I had been pregnant, but that I had miscarried. Not a single family member knew and it was just awkward and difficult all the way around. My husband amazed me through the whole ordeal. He was so strong and yet opening showed me the hurt in his heart. It definitely reminded me of how amazing he is and how lucky I am to have married such an awesome man. To make matters worse, two days after I miscarried, my sister miscarried and then two days after that my sister in law found out her pregnancy was ectopic and had to have her entire tube removed. Needless to say, that week was incredibly emotional. Not something I want to ever revisit, yet is somehow theraputic to write about it.

Anyway, Christmas came and we were able to jet off to Texas for an entire week. I don't think I could have enjoyed that week anymore. It was fabulous to have something else to focus on other than our collective losses. It was so nice to spend time with our family and not feel rushed. I would have liked to have seen my mother and sister more, but I understand how life can be tricky at times. My dad and I saw Baylor, my alma mater, play in their first bowl game in about 15 years, we visited with friends we hadn't spent time with in years maybe, and just hung out with our families. It helped heal my heart to be surrounded by people I love in the state I love.

The new year brought a new life for my husband and I. We realized that we had been living in a state of denial for many months. We were so disconnected and so checked out that we had lost sight of almost everything. We feel like we're dating again. Spending lots of time together, several dates, and making plans again. My heart is happy and I'm feeling better than I have in a long time. Life still has difficult moments, but we feel more united than ever. We've made a pact to go on at least one big date a month and so far this month we've already had two :) We're being proactive in our goals and really going for them. The hubs is working on enrolling in school so he'll be able to finish his bachelors. I'm going after a major job promotion that I'd give a limb to have. We're finally getting ever more settled in our house and reeeally enjoying the changes. Unfortunately we're also on the car hunt. Hubs' almost 14 year old truck fought the good fight and dead the ultimate death a few weeks ago. Luckily he's on swings for a few months and we're FINALLY working the same schedule. (Which has helped witht the spending time together, and allowed us to carpool with no problem)

So, to wrap things up... along with the changes we're making in our married life, I'm going to try and be better about blogging. I used to really enjoy it and want to get back to that place. I will post a picture update of the past few months once I get home and can get them from my computer. I'm painfully making my way through my dreaded Sunday shift and will rejoice once 3 pm rolls around. Anywho, enjoy your Sunday! It's good to be back.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Making Changes

Ladies, this week is the week that my life changes. I have a second interview for a job I reeeeeeeeeeeally want tomorrow afternoon. I just have a feeling. That job is mine! It'd be Monday-Friday, 8:30-5:30, and a significant amount more money. I think that I've finally found the job that's going to pan out and really work for me.

Secondly, I'm really starting on my weight loss journey. By no means am I obese, but I'm not where I'd like to be. I'm owning up to myself that some things need to change. I want to be healthy, I want to feel good, and I want to be happy with myself. I'm done wishing and am finally going to do that.

With that, I'm doing two things to help myself. Last week I joined a gym and have been going as often as I possibly can. I feel great! I love my gym so much I'm sad I hadn't joined earlier. It's an all female gym, 24/7, has tanning beds and massage chairs. It's heaven, really. Also, I've started taking supplements from Advocare! If you haven't heard of the company, you really should check it out. It's an amazing company, built on Christian ethics and the highest quality products around. Drew Brees is an unpaid endorser! There is a product called Spark that has absolutely changed my life! It's definitely my liquid nap... can't we all use that sometimes?! Anyway, I'm starting the 24 day challenge as soon as the products get here and I can't wait to update you all on my progress. I'm so excited!

I am vowing to take back my life, take back my health, and to take back my finances! Here's to changes for the better!

Sunday, October 3, 2010

1. When is your "engagement" anniversary?
He proposed on his birthday! I secretly think he did that so he wouldn't ever forget!
2. When is your wedding anniversary?
We have two like most military couples! 2/27 and 8/22

3. How long have you known your spouse?
8 years I think?

4. How long did you date before you were engaged? 
5 months

5. Where did you meet your spouse for the first time?
Church! He was a leader of Junior High boys in our youth group when I was in high school. lol..

6. What is your spouses full name?
Umm. not happening :)

7. Do you have any children?
4 fur-children

8. How many? Boys/Girls
A boy and girl cat and boy and girl dog. We're very jk

9. Do you have any house pets?
Pets... furchildren.... is there a difference? :)

10. Do you own a house or rent?

11. Do you live in the country/town/city?
Somewhere between a town and a city lol

12. What is one of your favorite activities to do together?
Watch movies!

13. Do you have a favorite vacation spot?
Well, we've only been on one vacation, so I don't know if we have a favorite yet!

14. When did you first kiss?
People actually remember the date? Weird. lol

15. What church do you attend?
Sadly, we haven't found one yet. Hopefully my work schedule will get better soon and we can continue our

16. Is this the church you were married in?

17. What town is current address at?
Eh, I'll keep that to myself :)

18. Do you work or stay home?
I work

19. Where did you go on your honeymoon?
Didn't go on one :/

20. What was the funniest gift you gave while dating? 
Funniest? I don't know if I gave a funny gift.

21. How long have you been together?
Together about 3, married about 2

22. How long did you know each other before you started dating?
5 years or so

23. Who asked who out?
He asked me

24. How old are each of you?
I'm 22, he's 27

25. Where do each of you go to school?
Neither of us are in school

26. Which situation is hardest on you as a couple?
My work schedule FOR SURE

27. Did you go to the same school?

28. Are you both from the same town?
We're from the same area. Neighboring towns

29.Who is smarter?
Depends on which one of us you ask... I'd same him and he'd say me

30. Who is more sensitive?
By far, me!

31. Where do you eat out most as a couple?
Umm, we don't really eat out enough to say that we east somewhere specifically the most

32. Where is the farthest you two have traveled as a couple?
Destin Fl!

33. Who has the craziest exes?
Crazy? Not so much... Not the greatest? Me.

34. Who has the worse temper?
Well, in every day life, he does for sure. But you definitely don't want to cross me either.

35. Who does the cooking?
Mostly I do. Every once and a while, hubby will cook

36. Who is more social?
Ha! ME!!!! Hubby can barely stand to be around a group of large people.

37. Who is the neat-freak?
We each have our moments... Me more often than not though

38. Who is more stubborn?
Good Lord we both are. I'm already praying for our children. They'll need it.

39. Who hogs the bed?
He says I do... I say he does. lol Add in the cats and we really should just get a king size bed.

40. Who wakes up earlier?
He does, but he also goes to bed earlier. I'm not lazy

41. Where was your first date?
The Angelika Theater in Dallas, Cafe de Brazil for dinner, and back to his house for another movie :) Best
night ever

42. Who had more boyfriends/girlfriends?
Blah. Me.

43. Do you get flowers often?
Not very often. It's always a nice surprise when he gets them for me.

44. How do you spend the holidays?
Splitting our time between families. Sometimes it feels like we spend more time in the car than with our
family. This year his whole family and my dad are coming to us for Thanksgiving though. :) Should be interesting

45. Who is more jealous?
Oh I am. Probably one of the biggest things I struggle with.

46. How long did it take to get serious?
Not long. We were engaged 5 months after we started dating :)

47. Who eats more?
I call him my human disposal. He does.

48. Who does the laundry?
Me! Every once and a while he'll do a load of his uniforms.

49. Who is better with the computer?
We're both pretty good with them. He's better though since he builds them.

50. Leave a piece of advice for other couples:
Cherish the time you have together, whether it's five minutes or five hours. Sometimes you just have to put aside the "life" things and enjoy some time with your best friend!

I promise a real post is coming soon!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010


I officially have a skype! I don't know why I held out for so long, especially being a mil-spouse, but it's a done deal now! Now I just have to figure out how it works and get my family on it! My mom is probably going to sign up tonight and my sis will once she invests in a webcam! Woohoo! Now all I have to do is the my dad and the in-laws in the loop and I'll be golden! Then I can focus on getting some friends on there as well. lol I have a sneaking suspicion though that my niece will be the most fun to talk to! :)

Wednesday, September 8, 2010


I'm so excited that the seasons are starting to change! I LOVE the fall/winter time more than anything! I love the smell in the air. I LOVE being able to turn off the ac and throw the windows open. The house smells good, I can put out my fall decorations, it's that much closer to Christmas, and I can start wearing sweaters again! So, what are we doing tonight? Hanging out with the windows open, loving hearing the rain, and praying it doesn't flood! :) Today has been a great day.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

My Daddy

Throughout the years my family has had it's fair share of ups and downs. To be perfectly honest, we've had more downs recently than ups, but I'm not going to keep count. :) Through it all, my dad has been someone I could count on. We always had an extraordinary relationship thoughout my childhood and that has continued into my adulthood. We're very much alike and always enjoy spending time together. As soon as I got my acceptance letter from Baylor my dad owned just about every piece of Baylor gear possible and hasn't stopped since. He's always been my biggest fan. He even has a bumper sticker on his car that says "My son in law proudly serves in the Air Force". I mean, how cool is he? I'm SUCH a daddy's girl.

Anywho, Dad decided he wanted to see me and drove up here (4 hours) Thursday night after he got off work. When I got off work and walked out to my car there he was! I felt like a 5 year old running across the parking lot to hug him! We stayed up until about 2 am talking and catching up until our eyes couldn't stay open any longer. We spent some time together Friday morning with the hubs and just had fun for a few hours. I was so sad to see him go, but it was such a treat to see him for a bit. I'm lucky to have a dad that would drive 8 hours to see me in shorter than 24 hours and not complain for an instant. :) Love my Daddy Boy!