Sunday, October 3, 2010

1. When is your "engagement" anniversary?
He proposed on his birthday! I secretly think he did that so he wouldn't ever forget!
2. When is your wedding anniversary?
We have two like most military couples! 2/27 and 8/22

3. How long have you known your spouse?
8 years I think?

4. How long did you date before you were engaged? 
5 months

5. Where did you meet your spouse for the first time?
Church! He was a leader of Junior High boys in our youth group when I was in high school. lol..

6. What is your spouses full name?
Umm. not happening :)

7. Do you have any children?
4 fur-children

8. How many? Boys/Girls
A boy and girl cat and boy and girl dog. We're very jk

9. Do you have any house pets?
Pets... furchildren.... is there a difference? :)

10. Do you own a house or rent?

11. Do you live in the country/town/city?
Somewhere between a town and a city lol

12. What is one of your favorite activities to do together?
Watch movies!

13. Do you have a favorite vacation spot?
Well, we've only been on one vacation, so I don't know if we have a favorite yet!

14. When did you first kiss?
People actually remember the date? Weird. lol

15. What church do you attend?
Sadly, we haven't found one yet. Hopefully my work schedule will get better soon and we can continue our

16. Is this the church you were married in?

17. What town is current address at?
Eh, I'll keep that to myself :)

18. Do you work or stay home?
I work

19. Where did you go on your honeymoon?
Didn't go on one :/

20. What was the funniest gift you gave while dating? 
Funniest? I don't know if I gave a funny gift.

21. How long have you been together?
Together about 3, married about 2

22. How long did you know each other before you started dating?
5 years or so

23. Who asked who out?
He asked me

24. How old are each of you?
I'm 22, he's 27

25. Where do each of you go to school?
Neither of us are in school

26. Which situation is hardest on you as a couple?
My work schedule FOR SURE

27. Did you go to the same school?

28. Are you both from the same town?
We're from the same area. Neighboring towns

29.Who is smarter?
Depends on which one of us you ask... I'd same him and he'd say me

30. Who is more sensitive?
By far, me!

31. Where do you eat out most as a couple?
Umm, we don't really eat out enough to say that we east somewhere specifically the most

32. Where is the farthest you two have traveled as a couple?
Destin Fl!

33. Who has the craziest exes?
Crazy? Not so much... Not the greatest? Me.

34. Who has the worse temper?
Well, in every day life, he does for sure. But you definitely don't want to cross me either.

35. Who does the cooking?
Mostly I do. Every once and a while, hubby will cook

36. Who is more social?
Ha! ME!!!! Hubby can barely stand to be around a group of large people.

37. Who is the neat-freak?
We each have our moments... Me more often than not though

38. Who is more stubborn?
Good Lord we both are. I'm already praying for our children. They'll need it.

39. Who hogs the bed?
He says I do... I say he does. lol Add in the cats and we really should just get a king size bed.

40. Who wakes up earlier?
He does, but he also goes to bed earlier. I'm not lazy

41. Where was your first date?
The Angelika Theater in Dallas, Cafe de Brazil for dinner, and back to his house for another movie :) Best
night ever

42. Who had more boyfriends/girlfriends?
Blah. Me.

43. Do you get flowers often?
Not very often. It's always a nice surprise when he gets them for me.

44. How do you spend the holidays?
Splitting our time between families. Sometimes it feels like we spend more time in the car than with our
family. This year his whole family and my dad are coming to us for Thanksgiving though. :) Should be interesting

45. Who is more jealous?
Oh I am. Probably one of the biggest things I struggle with.

46. How long did it take to get serious?
Not long. We were engaged 5 months after we started dating :)

47. Who eats more?
I call him my human disposal. He does.

48. Who does the laundry?
Me! Every once and a while he'll do a load of his uniforms.

49. Who is better with the computer?
We're both pretty good with them. He's better though since he builds them.

50. Leave a piece of advice for other couples:
Cherish the time you have together, whether it's five minutes or five hours. Sometimes you just have to put aside the "life" things and enjoy some time with your best friend!

I promise a real post is coming soon!

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