Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Just to pass the time

A to Z of Me

A. AREA CODE: 972, that's what it's been most of my life. Funny.

B. BED SIZE: We have a queen. We considered going King, but I like being close to hubby. :)

C. CHORE YOU HATE: Taking out the trash. I just think it's icky.

D. DOG'S NAME: We don't have a dog yet. :/ Hoping to fix that soon though!

E. ESSENTIAL "START THE DAY!" ITEM: Coffee and cheerios!!


G. GOLD OR SILVER: Between the two it's silver, but I prefer white gold... that's what our wedding bands and my engagement ring are.

H. HEIGHT: 5' 7" ish

I. INSTRUMENTS YOU PLAY: Drums! I was drum captain in high school. SO MUCH FUN!

J. Job: Engineering department at the ABC affiliate where we live. I work with the studio cameras, audio, prompter, and tape/master control operater. LOVE MY JOB!

K. KIDS: I have crazy baby fever. Crazy. But we have some things to work out first

L. LIVING ARRANGEMENTS: Renting a house in a nice surburban area. Love it!

N. NICKNAME: Jules. Hubby calls me baby girl and little lady :)

M. MOM'S NAME: Gayle

O. OVERNIGHT HOSPITAL STAY: Don't know that I've ever had one

P. PET PEEVE: Oh goodness, too many to even begin.

Q. QUOTE FROM A MOVIE: Hmm.... that's a difficult one. Hubby can practically remember movies word for word, but I'm awful at that!


S. SIBLINGS: Katie Jayne!

T. TIME YOU WAKE UP: That changes. Generally I get up about 9 am, but depending on what needs to get done I'll wake up earlier or let myself catch up on sleep.

U. UNDERWEAR: I don't really have a preference. I have another comment but it's probably TMI. lol

V. VEGGIE YOU DISLIKE: Do brussell sprouts count? Gah, I even hate how they smell!

W. WAYS/REASONS YOU ARE LATE: Stupid stupid trains.

X. XRAYS YOU'VE HAD: Teeth, chest, back, and elbow. Fractured my elbow, obviously had braces, and was in a car wreck.

Y. YUMMY FOOD YOU MAKE: Some of hubby's favorites that I make are Poppyseed Chicken, Manicotti, Pot Roast, Tangy Ribs. Among others. He's easy to please in the kitchen department.

Z. ZOO ANIMALS YOU LIKE: I love everything at the zoo! Minus reptiles!

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